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Taken 23-Sep-22
Visitors 1

35 of 392 photos
Categories & Keywords

Subcategory Detail:
Keywords:#etbtsy, 5222, analog, black and white, cliffs, double-x, film, hamburg, house, kodak, lake erie, nikon f4, vantage point
Photo Info

Dimensions5049 x 3374
Original file size7.58 MB
Image typeJPEG
Color spacesRGB
Date modified23-Sep-22 16:28
Shooting Conditions

Camera makePlustek
Camera modelOpticFilm 8200i
House with a View on the Cliffs over Lake Erie in Hamburg, New York., photographed with a 35mm Nikon F4 camera on Kodak Double-X 5222 black and white negative film.

House with a View

This house up on the cliffs over Lake Erie in Hamburg, New York sure gets some beautiful views.

Photographed with a 35mm Nikon F4 camera on Kodak Double-X 5222 black and white negative film, developed in replenished D-23 developer.