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28 of 261 photos
Categories & Keywords

Category:City Scenes
Subcategory Detail:
Keywords:#etbtsy, analog, black and white, boats, buffalo, city, city hall, cityscape, clouds, downtown, erie, film, mamiya, marina, monochrome, new york, ny, ominous, rb67, storm, summer, water
Photo Info

Dimensions7978 x 6347
Original file size13.7 MB
Image typeJPEG
Color spacesRGB
Date modified27-Aug-20 09:52
Passing Storm over Buffalo

Passing Storm over Buffalo

A dramatic view of the Buffalo City Hall and downtown Buffalo from the Erie Basin Marina after a storm rolled over at sunset time. The western sky already opened up allowing the sunshine through while the ominous clouds still hung over the city.

Photographed with a medium format Mamiya RB67 camera on Kodak Tri-X 400 black and white negative film and developed in Kodak XTOL.