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7 of 261 photos
Categories & Keywords

Category:City Scenes
Subcategory Detail:
Keywords:cityscape, fall, fall colors, halloween, orchard park, urban, village, warm colors
Photo Info

Dimensions4978 x 3319
Original file size10.4 MB
Image typeJPEG
Color spaceUnknown
Date modified26-Jan-24 16:28
Shooting Conditions

Camera makePlustek
Camera modelOpticFilm 8200i
Fall Decoration at Ginger Snap Patisserie Cafe and Bakery in Orchard Park, New York

Fall Decoration at Ginger Snap Patisserie

Beautiful; fall look of the Ginger Snap Patisserie in Orchard Park, New York.

Photographed with a 35mm Minolta XG-7 camera on Agfa Vista 200 Color Negative Film, developed in C-41.

Fall of 2023