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34 of 261 photos
Categories & Keywords

Subcategory Detail:
Keywords:#etbtsy, black and white, boathouse, d-23, erie canal, film, fomapan, north tonawanda, rolleiflex, summer, tlr, water
Photo Info

Dimensions6941 x 7164
Original file size13.9 MB
Image typeJPEG
Color spacesRGB
Date modified10-Sep-21 16:04
Tonawanda Creek Boathouses, North Tonawanda, New York.

Tonawanda Creek Boathouses

A picturesque row of boathouses on Tonawanda Creek (an Erie Canal connector) in North Tonawanda, NY under beautiful blue summer sky.

Photographed with a medium format Rolleiflex Automat 6x6 TLR from the 1940s on Fomapan 400 black and white negative film, developed in replenished D-23 developer.