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52 of 261 photos
Categories & Keywords

Category:City Scenes
Subcategory Detail:
Keywords:#etbtsy, 400, analog, black and white, buffalo, canalside, d-23, erie basin, film, fomapan, little rock, marina, medium format, monochrome, navy, new york, ny, pentacon six, spirit of buffalo, square, waterfront
Photo Info

Dimensions6408 x 6397
Original file size12.1 MB
Image typeJPEG
Color spacesRGB
Date modified2-Sep-21 15:55
Different Types of Ships, USS Little Rock Guided Missile Cruiser vs  Spirit of Buffalo Sailboat, Buffalo, NY

Different Types of Ships

The USS Little Rock CL-92 guided missile
cruiser photographed through the ropes and sails of the Spirit of Buffalo sailboat as they were docked next to each other at Canalside, Buffalo, New York.

Photographed with a Pentacon Six medium format camera on Fomapan 400 black and white negative film and developed in D-23 developer.