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Taken 7-Jun-22
Visitors 3

16 of 64 photos
Categories & Keywords

Subcategory:Black & White
Subcategory Detail:
Keywords:#etbtsy, 100, 3d, acme, black and white, kodak, lensless, monochrome, pinhole, rocks, sturgeon point, t-max, terrapin
Photo Info

Dimensions6362 x 6212
Original file size7.83 MB
Image typeJPEG
Color spacesRGB
Date modified7-Jun-22 17:00
Five and a Half Rocks on Lake Erie at Sturgeon Point. terraPIN ACME Pinhole Camera, Kodak T-Max 100 black and white film

Five and a Half Rocks

Five and a half rocks arranged in circle and submerged in the waters of Lake Erie along the Sturgeon Point beach.

Photographed with a medium format 3d-printed terraPIN ACME pinhole camera on Kodak T-Max 100 black and white negative film, developed in replenished D-23 developer.