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Taken 9-Nov-22
Visitors 0

9 of 183 photos
Categories & Keywords

Category:Travel and Places
Subcategory:North America
Subcategory Detail:United States of America
Keywords:#etbtsy, 35mm, analog, color, color shift, cottage, east aurora, false color, film, gone, grass, grass, knox farm, lomochrome turquoise, lomography, minolta srt202, old, red cottage
Photo Info

Dimensions5049 x 3386
Original file size9.4 MB
Image typeJPEG
Color spacesRGB
Date modified9-Nov-22 09:47
Shooting Conditions

Camera makePlustek
Camera modelOpticFilm 8200i
Red Cottage at Knox Farm, Lomochrome Turquoise Theme, Gone with the Wind, East Aurora, New York

Red Cottage at Knox Farm, Lomochrome Turquoise Theme

Leaning into the special effects film from Lomography, this is an old red cottage at Knox Farm, East Aurora, that has since succumbed to the passage of time. You are reading correctly, a red cottage. The Lomochrome Turquoise film renders colors its own way.

Photographed with a 35mm Minolta SRT202 on Lomochrome Turquoise Color Negative Film, Developed in C-41 Chemicals.

November 3, 2022