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Taken 17-Mar-24
Visitors 1

41 of 212 photos
Categories & Keywords

Category:City Scenes
Subcategory Detail:
Keywords:#etbtsy, analog, buffalo, cityscape, downtown, erie basin marina, film, juicery, kodak, new york, nikon fe2, t-max 100, urban photography
Photo Info

Dimensions4958 x 3245
Original file size3.98 MB
Image typeJPEG
Color spaceUnknown
Date modified17-Mar-24 17:48
Shooting Conditions

Camera makePlustek
Camera modelOpticFilm 8200i
Juicery @ The Hatch, Erie Basin Marina, Buffalo, New York

Juicery @ The Hatch

While the colorful solar rays called me to take this picture the tonal contrast in this black and white photograph share the same spirit.

Photographed with a 35mm Nikon FE2 camera and a 24mm f/2.8 Nikkor lens on Kodak T-Max 100 black and white negative film, developed in replenished D-23 developer.