Keywords:#etbtsy, black and white, cold, d-23, film, foma, frozen, green lake, lake, mamiya, monochrome, new york, ny, orchard park, retropan, snow, southtowns, white, winter, yates park
Photo Info
Dimensions6645 x 4874
Original file size14.7 MB
Image typeJPEG
Color spacesRGB
Date modified1-Apr-20 16:53
Green Lake in White
Green Lake in Orchard Park, NY during a true winter day in Western New York. Snow was coming down, starting to cover the frozen surface, and limiting the visibility with the distant trees gradually disappearing.
Photographed with a medium format Mamiya 645 1000s camera on Retropan 320 black and white negative film, developed in replenished D-23 developer.