Lower Emery Falls in the Fall
As I finally took some time to explore the Emery County Park this year I also finally found two of its several waterfalls. The tributaries to the Cazenovia Creek feature several of them, hard to say how many for now. The information I found lists four different waterfalls on two different tributaries. The waterfall pictured here is not listed though. Too small to count? Maybe, but I still liked it and even more than its bigger cousin up the stream - The Emery Falls.
Over time I had grown to like side or partial side views of waterfalls more than head on photos. As such, that was the first angle I explored here too. No matter what I did though I could not fall in love with what I saw in the viewfinder. Eventually I made my way to this spot and decided this was the winner for the day. Funny how that works.
The fallen leaves were the fading sign of the late season of color since trees were already mostly bare and the fallen leaves were losing their charm in most spots. Here, I thought they still looked nice, were in a good shape, and were served in just the right portions.
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Now let's watch nature turn white and have fun with one of the biggest natural contrasts of all, when in a short period of time vivid colors are traded for whiteness.