White Balance and Color Balance Challenges

February 27, 2012  •  Leave a Comment

Resolving color and white balance challenges with desaturation. Lafayette Square, Buffalo, NY.White Balance / Color Challenges This evening, I headed downtown to the Theodore Roosevelt Plaza to shoot a wide panorama and I had specific components in mind (yes, I got involved in a bit of a left brain photography). Unfortunately, my goals were a bit too ambitious and after a while of trying to make it work I decided to let that idea further brew and headed for a stroll around, arriving at a familiar place from not too long ago. This time, I stepped further back and included even more foreground, namely the corner of Liberty Building on the left.

However, as before, I was not sure about the white balance throughout the scene. When the sky looks right, the lamps turn too warm and when the lamps look right, the sky doesn't. While I continue searching for the magic setting I went for a different approach here, partially desaturating areas of the photo.

You're looking from the Civil War Monument at Lafayette Square down Court Street towards the beautiful Buffalo City Hall during late blue hour.

Have fun!


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