Time Can Make Quite a Difference!

March 14, 2012  •  Leave a Comment

Time can make quite a difference. Buffalo skyline and Skyway at dawn, skyline reflection. Timing can make a lot of difference in photos. Sometimes, a lot of patience is required, ... hours, repeated visits over several days, weeks, months or years. Other times, it is the opposite and speed matters. You show up, see something really cool but quickly passing and you better be ready to click the shutter. And sometimes, it is a combination. After coming, and waiting, coming, and waiting, coming ... you have to act really quick to take advantage of what nature and luck throw at you.

On this particular morning, as I enjoyed the sun rising and watched the Buffalo skyline beautifully backlit despite being to the north-east, the scene went from what you see on the left to what's on the right within just a few minutes. Yes, the scene got brighter, rather noticeably since I did not adjust my manual exposure, but look at the water!

Time can make quite a difference. Buffalo skyline and Skyway at dawn, no reflection. Where did the mirror go? What happened to Lake Erie? Yes, with the daybreak wind broke out too, just a gentle breeze, but enough to turn the water into tiny ripples which completely fogged my mirror in the long exposure.

These two photos were taken 2 minutes apart. Sometimes, the moment can be just a few seconds. Knowing your camera settings by heart and focusing on the creative part is essential. Having charged batteries and space on your memory card as well.

Have fun!


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