New York Waterfalls - Google Books and a Great Online Page

May 30, 2012  •  Leave a Comment

Taughannock Falls State Park Waterfall on Taughannoct Creek near the Cayuga Lake, one of Finger Lakes in Central New York.Taughannock Falls Ok, now that I have talked about crowds and wondered whether it is a good thing or not so much, why not do something to support them? Here are couple books available for free on Google Books, one covering the state of New York, and one focusing on the Central and Western New York:

And to round things off, this is a really great web site dedicated to New York waterfalls.

I find waterfalls amazing creations of Mother Nature and must admit that I am luckier than I often realize because New York State is very rich on them. There are just so many from the better known ones like this Taughannock Falls, Niagara Falls, Lower, Middle, and Upper Falls of the Letchworth State Park, and Watkins Glen, but also many, many smaller ones most people don't even know about. They all offer great views and can serve as a great excuse to leave the couch and head out!

Have fun waterfalling!


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