Buffalo's Waterfront's Rising!

July 13, 2012  •  Leave a Comment

Sunset over Two Piers by Bell Slip on BuffaloTwo Piers at Bell Slip, Greenway Nature Trail, Buffalo Waterfront

The waterfront here in Buffalo, NY, has seen some dramatic improvements over the last few years. The unused industrial land is now being used for public projects and to give people access to this prime waterfront location. There have been so many improvements done that it is hard to believe it has happened so fast. It is happening so fast that a lot of people living here have no clue.

This photo was taken by the Bell Slip, one of many great spots along the Greenway Nature Trail just off of Fuhrmann Boulevard.

It's a great location to watch the motor boats and sailboats go by on both sides of the break wall and slowly disappear with the setting sun. Just pack it up soon enough before the June Bugs attack - but more on that rather funny topic at a later time.

As far as the gadgetry goes, this was through two Cokin Graduated ND filters, one over the top down to the horizon (ND8) and the second all the way down over the water (ND4), to let the grass come alive despite being heavily shaded. The whole Cokin rig (P holder) was on top of my B+W 6-stop ND filter.

Enjoy wherever you are and have fun!


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