The Blue Moon Alternative, Take I

September 02, 2012  •  Leave a Comment

Land soil cracks in Buffalo, New York (NY) showing how dry the summer 2012 was.Desert in New York My idea for shooting the Blue Moon on the night of the actual Blue Moon turned out not to be so great. The good news was that Mother Nature decided to help out and threw a patch of beautifully cracked soil my way, along with a gorgeous sunset. So, while I may have no Blue Moon to show, I have a cracked soil abstract and  a sunset to share with you soon too.

I know I keep coming back to the topic but it seems to hold true all the time. Plan, but keep your eyes open! Many times, it is the unplanned that turns out to be the highlight as opposed all of those elaborate plans. However, the planing is great too! Who knows if the unplanned could happen without the planned.

And the moon? Well, I headed out a night later and am hoping some of those shots will actually be presentable. But for now, it is just my camera enjoying them. By the way, what's an almost full moon a day after Blue Moon called?

Have fun, and not just once in a blue moon!


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