Global warming in Buffalo?

January 08, 2013  •  Leave a Comment

What comes to most people's minds when they hear Buffalo, NY? I bet most will think of and say snow! But the last few winters were not so convincing. Only one or two winter storms a season and lacking the normal kick. The states southeast of Buffalo along the coast got more snow on quite a few occasions. And the last winter, 2011 - 2012, was almost snow-free in and around Buffalo. The skiing resorts south of Buffalo had to heavily depend on snow making.

A blanket of snow in Chestnut Ridge, Orchard Park - Buffalo, New York (NY).Chestnut Ridge Park in Winter

The 2012 - 2013 winter season had a rather late start too with no measurable snow until just before Christmas Day, almost a month late. Then things improved for those who like the white stuff and between one winter storm and regular snowfall nature dressed in the beautiful white clean coat covering the not so appealing grays.

Now here we are on January 8 with a decent blanket of snow around. That's the good part. But the forecast does not look so good. Not only are the daily highs going to be way above freezing, so will the daily lows: Wednesday 40/29, Thursday 36/33, Friday 45/42, Saturday 54/47, Sunday 49/33. And the forecast also calls for some rain to top this off.

This is one example where I hope the weather men got it completely wrong. If the winter is here it might as well be nice and snowy with everything looking pretty. Two to three months of dirty gray does not get me excited.

Have fun with the season while it is here!


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