Sunset Aligned with Gallagher Pier, Buffalo, NY

February 08, 2013  •  Leave a Comment

Sunset aligned in direction of Gallagher Pier, Outer Harbor - Waterfront, Buffalo, New York (NY). Aligned Sunset at Gallagher Pier This was another, second in the row, photo op planned with The Photographer's Ephemeris (see my previous post Single Exposure HDR at Niagara Falls for notes on planning for a moon rise). This time the plan was to capture the sunset perfectly aligned in the direction of the Gallagher Pier.

Monday was supposed to be the perfect time, however, weather and other plans interfered. Tuesday did not work out either so Wednesday had to be it. I was hoping for fewer clouds allowing to capture the sun higher up in the sky thus negating the two day delay. That was not meant to be though. To the very last moment it was not even clear if there was going to be a photo taken or not.

In the end the sun peeked out and filled a thin opening in the clouds just above the horizon. For couple minutes its intense glare filled the scene with warm light. And then, as quickly as it came it was gone. The intense sky colors 15 - 30 minutes after sunset did not happen on this night either.

Another thing I did enjoy this evening was the frozen wind-swept surface of Lake Erie. When the lake freezes it usually gets covered with a layer of snow too. Not too often are patches of open ice visible as much as here. These ice spots were nicely picking up the orange colors of the setting sun and reflecting them back towards the camera. Another unique part of this experience.

All in all, a successful mission though. The software worked right and sun showed up where predicted. Next time this should be possible is going to be late fall. Let's see if I remember to be there and capture a comparative photo, possibly from a little different perspective.

Have fun chasing celestial bodies!


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