Intimate American Falls
I arrived at Niagara Falls, Canada, in the late afternoon and enjoyed the views over Horseshoe Falls, including the signature rainbow. However, the gorge was in deep shadow by then so I did not photograph much until the sun set and the illumination kicked in.
The illumination was actually what I came to photograph on this occasion. Living so close to this wonder I had photographed there several times, however, could not find any photos of the color show other than one 4th of July shoot on the American side.
After enjoying the Horseshoe Falls with my wide angle lens I moved on and captured some views of the so different American Falls too. the horseshoe vs. the straight edge are so different, each providing its own beauty.
Then I decided to zoom in (getting closer might not be wise here) and see if I could find some more intimate depiction of the waterfall and its illumination, the natural and the man-made in tandem. In this view, I liked the combination of the falling water, the illumination, and also the rocks below, which offer a subtle look into the past, present, and future of this waterfall. As more and more rocks collapse, is the waterfall going to transfer itself into a series of cascades or even just some really wild rapids?
Have fun exploring natural beauties all around us!