Travel in Space & Time

July 15, 2013  •  Leave a Comment

Cascades on the beautiful Bílá opava stream in the Jeseníky mountains of Northern Moravia, Czech Republic.Bílá Opava Cascades Sometimes, I find myself wanting to be somewhere else, far, faraway, away from people, just me and the landscape. When traveling is not possible at those moments, some music in the speakers or headphones and old photographs can almost take me there.

Here, I've traveled to Jeseníky mountains in the Northern Moravia of the Czech Republic and recalled our wonderful all-day hike along the Bílá Opava creek and up to the range's highest peak Praděd. I could almost hear the water humming as it came down dancing from rock to rock. It's amazing how a single photo can bring back so many memories that are stashed away somewhere in the backs of our minds. Photographs are like an instant recall.

Have fun preserving your memories, and recalling them often!


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