Spring at the Museum

May 15, 2014  •  Leave a Comment


The Buffalo History Museum, aka Buffalo and Erie County Historical Society, under first rays of rising sun, Buffalo, New York (NY), 2014.First Touch of LightHistory Museum, 2014 I returned to the Japanese Garden and Buffalo History Museum a year later to get a little different view of the spring season there. Last year I visited at the beginning of April, this year in early May. Even though the spring season was a bit late in Western New York this year (2014) the difference was clear as nature had more time to wake up from the grip of winter. The colors of spring are not as wild as those of autumn but their subtle beauty is a wonderful sight nevertheless.

Spring Colors at the Buffalo History Museum and Japanese GardenSpring ColorsBuffalo History Museum

I was happy to catch the cherry trees in the bloom despite visiting a bit late. The belated spring helped me out. This year, Buffalo held its first Cherry Blossom Festival, planned as annual going forward. My morning visit was couple days after the festival's end with the blooms still plentiful and slowly starting to fall. You can spot them on the left side of the photo between the museum and Mirror Lake. It was not just the cherries that got dressed in a colorful coat. The willow tree on the right-hand side was wearing a beautiful yellow dress, and the various grasses were rich green. I really enjoy watching the changes and they become so apparent with a side by side comparison like this one.

I went for a wider view this time too and the almost windless morning helped keep the reflection like a perfect undisturbed mirror. I wanted the wider view to get all of the blooming cherry trees into the scene on the left, and the willow on the right. I felt the end result ended up nicely balanced including the 50/50 split between reality and reflection.

Have fun watching your world change!


Buffalo Cherry Blossom Festival - Japanese Garden in Delaware Park - Friends of the Japanese Garden of Buffalo - The Seasons (at the Buffalo History Museum)

Equipment used:

Nikon D600Nikon 24-85mm Nikkor LensGraduated Cokin ND Filter (ND4)Cokin P Holder with a 72 mm AdapterManfrotto tripod (055MF3; replaced by 055CXPRO3 with the convenient Q90 column) and Manfrotto Ball Head (496RC2), Think Tank Speed Demon Waist PackPetzl Zipka Plus 2 Headlamp (always in the bag just in case), Jackery Bar 5600mAh (usually o hand to keep the smart phone going), SanDisk Extreme 32GB SD CardsNikon Capture NX2.

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