Fall Colors by the Train DepotOrchard Park, NY
The railroading days of the Orchard Park Train Depot are gone by but the depot looks great and serves as a reminder of the town's and region's history. On this day, I was lucky enough to capture its look under cloudy skies that helped bring out the colors of the surrounding foliage as well as provide a nice neutral backdrop further intensifying the boldness of those colors. I like to come here often to explore the look through the seasons and in different weather, time of day, etc.
After capturing my favorite angle I did not leave but went exploring a little further down the tracks, towards what was behind me in this opening photo. The season was at its creative peak and as the tracks moved into less and less maintained territory the vegetation ruled more and more. It did not even look like I was still in town. It might have as well been somewhere far in the middle of nowhere. The mood certainly was such.
At the End of the TracksOrchard Park, NY
The look of the tracks seeming to abruptly end at the bridge in the distance was something I could not pass. The trees created a tunnel that fully enclosed the old tracks and clearly guided my eyes further into the distance, along with the converging lines of the tracks. And it was not guiding just my eyes, my feet followed as I continued to look around for other photographic opportunities.
When I reached the bridge I spend quite a while adjusting the tripod left and right and up and down in very small increments. I really wanted to get the look and the mood right so that the photograph could get as close as possible to showing the real-life feel of the place.
I liked how the whole bridge was taken over by the vegetation with only the railings providing clues as to what really stood in front. It also had the look of a man-made structure being reclaimed by nature. It will be interesting to see how much longer this unused bridge stays in place before it fails safety standards and has to be removed.
Railroad Bridge over South Buffalo StreetOrchard Park, NY
Enjoy the beauty that surrounds you! (#etbtsy)
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