Hamburg Music Festival, May 16, 2015

May 12, 2015  •  Leave a Comment
PYWWNY - Picture Your Walls Western New York, Hamburg, NYPicture Your Walls WNYHamburg, NY

It's coming this weekend, the 2015 Hamburg Music Festival. Visit the village of Hamburg, NY and the long list of participating venues. Interested in learning more about it? Don't just limit your resources to their own page (linked to above) but visit their Facebook Page, which seems to be the better resource. One of the posts there shows the program and all of the places you can visit, along with schedule and featured guests. Yes, it is a bit hard to read but the info is there!

One of the venues is Picture Your Walls Western New York (PYWWNY) with music from 3 PM - 6 PM. While you're there check out their art selection including some of my photographs (Brick & Mortar Gallery: Matted, Framed, and Ready to Hang).

And most of all, have fun!


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