A New Take on the South Grand Island Bridge

October 03, 2016  •  Leave a Comment

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South Grand Island Bridge behind Trees, Buffalo, NYSouth Grand Island Bridge behind TreesBuffalo, NY

Today, we are going about a year back. This photograph is from October 2015 and one cloudy morning on the banks of the mighty Niagara River. It's from a location I visited several times in the past and enjoyed at dawn, at dusk, in various weather conditions, and photographed using various techniques. This particular morning seemed a bit bland at first, but that just meant a new opportunity, an opportunity to find a new perspective. And I found it behind this beautiful old tree through which the South Grand Island Bridge looked great!

Enjoy the beauty that surrounds you (#etbtsy)!

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More South Grand Island Bridge Photos:

Sunrise over the South Grand Island Bridge and Niagara River looking from Grand Island towards Tonawanda, NY and Buffalo.Sunrise over the South Grand Island BridgeThe South Grand Island Bridge takes the I-190 from Tonawanda, New York (NY) to Grand Island, New York (NY) over the Niagara River. Despite some efforts and successes in the downtown Buffalo sections of the I-190, the bridge remains a toll bridge. The bridge consists of two truss arch bridges. It is operated by the New York State Thruway Authority. The bridge has a 93-foot clearance. While the twin bridges were targeted to be identical there are some differences between the one built in 1930s and the other from 1960s, like stone vs. steel faced cutwaters, different guard rails, and more.

In this photo you see the bridge in the early morning of a late autumn day as seen looking from the Grand Island down the I-190 towards Tonawanda and Buffalo, New York (NY). The great Niagara River is definitely a body of water demanding respect. Not only is it rather wide but the flow is rather fast too. I think that somehow makes the bridge more impressive too. Being there in the morning before the sun comes up so late in the year adds a dose of freshness and the lack of people and traffic around makes the hum of the river the most prominent sound.
Illuminated South Grand Island Bridge at Dusk connecting Tonawanda, NY and Grand Island, NY. Bridge and illumination reflected in the Niagara River.South Grand Island Bridge at DuskSouth Grand Island Bridge at Dusk, looking north from Tonawanda, NY along I-190 towards Grand Island.

Despite the success in the downtown Buffalo sections of the I-190, the bridge remains a toll bridge. It consists of two truss arch bridges. It is operated by the New York State Thruway Authority. The bridge has a 93-foot clearance. While the twin bridges were targeted to be identical there are some differences between the one built in 1930s and the other from 1960s, like stone vs. steel faced cutwaters, different guard rails, and more.
Reflected South Grand Island Bridge at Sunset, connecting Tonawanda, NY and Grand Island, NY over the Niagara River.Reflected South Grand Island Bridge at SunsetSouth Grand Island Bridge at Dusk, looking north from Tonawanda, NY along I-190 towards Grand Island.

Despite the success in the downtown Buffalo sections of the I-190, the bridge remains a toll bridge. It consists of two truss arch bridges. It is operated by the New York State Thruway Authority. The bridge has a 93-foot clearance. While the twin bridges were targeted to be identical there are some differences between the one built in 1930s and the other from 1960s, like stone vs. steel faced cutwaters, different guard rails, and more.
South Grand Island Bridge Before Sunrise heading from Grand Island, NY towards Tonawanda, NY over the Niagara River.South Grand Island Bridge Before SunriseCool and calm, before the day starts, with the bridge traffic barely detectable in the distance. Early mornings are magical, so different from the hustle and bustle of every-day life.

The bridge consists of two truss arch bridges. It is operated by the New York State Thruway Authority. The bridge has a 93-foot clearance. While the twin bridges were targeted to be identical there are some differences between the one built in 1930s and the other from 1960s, like stone vs. steel faced cutwaters, different guard rails, and more.
Sunrise Through the South Grand Island Bridge connecting Grand Island and Tonawanda, NY over the Niagara River.Sunrise Through the South Grand Island BridgeSouth Grand Island Bridge at sunrise, looking between the north and south bound bridge sections south towards Tonawanda / Buffalo, New York (NY).

The bridge consists of two truss arch bridges. It is operated by the New York State Thruway Authority. The bridge has a 93-foot clearance. While the twin bridges were targeted to be identical there are some differences between the one built in 1930s and the other from 1960s, like stone vs. steel faced cutwaters, different guard rails, and more.


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