Drizzly Drive through the Backroads of Buffalo Southtowns

October 24, 2016  •  Leave a Comment

Fields & Trees of Fall, Buffalo SouthtownsFields & Trees of FallBuffalo Southtowns Fall came, colors started appearing all around in Western New York, excitement built up, and I got sick. I know, quite a buzz kill. But no worries, I am not going to bore you with complaints of my misery over the three plus weeks. Instead, I am heading towards an unexpected happy ending. Once the disease released its grasp of me just a tiny bit, the draw of the outdoors became strong. Not even a rainy day could hold me back any more after such a long forced break. Rain or not, in the car I went and rushed out before the light of the day expired. A vague plan was in my head loosely based on past driving through the area just past the suburbs of Buffalo, NY.

I remembered a few small roads turning off of the roads I traveled before. This evening the time came to make the turns and explore. And while I had relatively high expectations what I discovered blew my mind. The landscape along these roads was gorgeous, and the roads themselves had a lot to show off too. Just driving up and down the many hills and turning left and right on the winding roads not following a rectangular grid was a welcome change to the daily routine.

Rainy Fall Day, Buffalo, SouthtownsRainy Fall DayBuffalo, Southtowns And the rain? It really was just a drizzle and I did not mind at all. I remembered to put the hood on my lens, usually used to shield the lens from the sun, however, I regularly use it more as a lens umbrella. I stopped many times, pointing the camera at the landscape around, as well as the roller coaster roads moving ... with the land, not through the land ... do you remember this quote?

"The road didn't cut through the land like that interstate. It moved with the land, it rose, it fell, it curved. Cars didn't drive on it to make great time. They drove on it to have a great time." - Sally, Cars (2006)

Enjoy the beauty that surrounds you (#etbtsy)!

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