Western New York Country Roads

November 21, 2016  •  Leave a Comment

On a Caneadea Country Road, A Subaru Commercial, Western New YorkOn a Caneadea Country RoadA Subaru Commercial Park lands in the fall are great, so much natural beauty. But for me, possibly as a side effect of our annual road trips, even getting to the parks may be rather beautiful if one keeps their eyes open. Quite often, the rolling hills of the countryside on the way to a destination can quietly rival the destinations themselves.

And, as you have most certainly noticed if you've been on this blog before, I don't necessarily try to make that countryside look fully natural. I love the human additions to the landscape, whether it be farms, barns, covered bridges, and even roads, whether unpaved dirt roads or not so romantic asphalt paved roads.

For today's post, I have decided to share a few roads moving with the land, not through the land, that are close to home here in Western New York. And yes, I have even dared to insert a car into a landscape photograph.

Caneadea Country Road, On the Road in Western New YorkCaneadea Country RoadWestern New York

Caneadea Country Road, On the Road in Western New York

Down a Country Road at Caneadea, Western New YorkDown a Country Road at CaneadeaWestern New York

Down a Country Road at Caneadea, Western New York

Enjoy the beauty that surrounds you (#etbtsy)!

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