Hawaii became the 50th state to join the United States on August 21, 1959. The capital city is Honolulu (Oahu). The highest point is Mauna Kea at 13,803 feet (4207 meters) (island of Hawaii, aka The Big Island), a dormant volcano last erupting 2460 BC. Mauna Kea is over 33,000 feet (10000 meters) tall, making it the world's tallest mountain measured from its base to the summit; the majority of which is under water.
Previously from Hawaii: The Beginning - Seaside Pinhole Photography - Tropical Clichés
Sunset Colors over PoipuKaua'i, Hawai'i
After the previous post, you know how we got here. And now that we are here, we might as well enjoy it, right? And cliché or not, who would miss the first sunset at a place like this? It definitely was not going to be me.
First, I headed to my favorite spot between Poipu Beach and Brennecke's Beach where the surf keeps working on beautiful lava rocks providing a beautiful interaction between white foaming water and the black shore. I like the area as it's always different based on the weather and waves. I usually closely focus on the rocks and water but this time, the wide view you see here seemed to scream "we are here!" the loudest. It was the perfect welcome, colorful, with a strong silhouette of the coastline and the palm trees.
After this photo, I made my way across the tip of land pictured here to see Poipu Beach as day was turning into night. It always strikes me how one can find themselves all alone in a seemingly touristy place like this. It's almost a given at sunrises but even sunsets provide plenty of people free places to enjoy and to photograph. And if Poipu is not the most touristy spot of the whole island than what is?
Poipu Beach Going to SleepKaua'i, Hawai'i
There was a fairly strong breeze coming in over the water. I wanted to carry that over into the photograph and thanks to the rapidly diminishing light that was not a problem as I could easily use a 30-second exposure allowing the wildly moving palm tree leaves blur with their motion. The same rendered the ocean looking very peaceful and quiet, really the opposite of what it was. The wilder the water motion the quieter look in long exposure photographs.
Do you want to get as close to being there as possible without actually being there? Open another browser, navigate to Ikena Dupont's song, then click on the photo twice to get to the gallery, and then to full screen, ... not bad, right?
Enjoy the beauty that surrounds you! (#etbtsy)
References: Hawaii on 50states.com
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