Theaters in the Rain Revisited, and Beyond

November 29, 2017  •  Leave a Comment

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Previous theaters in the rain: Elements Getting in the Way?The Long Planned Aurora Theatre in RainSticking with the Theater Theme, Blue Hour over Shea'sTheaters in the Rain Revisited

Theater for Rainy Days, Palace Theatre, Hamburg, NYTheater for Rainy DaysPalace Theatre It's raining and the end of the daylight is fast approaching. What to do? It's been a while since I went out chasing theater neons and their reflections in the wet pavement. A quick decision and I was headed for Hamburg to see if I could come up with a new take on the Palace Theatre.

I stayed with the same concept from the last visit adding light trails of the passing traffic to the blue hour scene. But this time, I went across the street to make the streaks more dominant and to get more wet surface between me and the theater. I stayed around for about half an hour trying to catch just the right traffic pattern getting cars in both directions to have both red tail light and white head light trails for variety.

When the blue in the sky faded to black I did not pack my gear yet but went on a stroll through the village instead to scout for future opportunities. And I did not get far before finding one. Right at the main circle on Main and Buffalo Streets I found my next theme. It just had to wait for another day since it was too dark by then. So I let couple days pass and came right back, repeating the game of looking around and trying to time my exposure when cars were coming from all directions. The more directions cars came from and the bigger the variety of their circling around the better the pictures looked.

Busy Staub Square & Juicy Burger Bar, Hamburg, NYBusy Staub SquareHamburg, NY

Busy Staub Square & Juicy Burger Bar, Hamburg, NY

Enjoy the beauty that surrounds you! (#etbtsy)

Would you like to see more cityscapes from Buffalo and its suburbs? Visit my Buffalo Cityscapes photo gallery and enjoy! If you like the above blue hour photographs you might enjoy the Buffalo in Blue collection dedicated to that time of day when daylight and artificial lighting balance for a colorful magic. Please, let me know if you have any questions about any photo products offered, or not offered, I will be happy to help! For a quick reference to all photo galleries and collections as well as all photo products currently offered through my site, please, visit the Products page.

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More Theaters in the Rain:

Shea's Performing Arts Center, downtown Buffalo theater.Shea's in the RainBuffalo, NY Aurora Theatre Colors in Blue Hour Rain Shower, East Aurora, New York (NY)Aurora Theatre ColorsEast Aurora, NY The Palace Theatre of Hamburg, NYThe Palace TheatreHamburg, NY


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