Twelve Months, Twenty Photos 2017

December 29, 2017  •  Leave a Comment

Support this blog: Do you like my free content but are not ready to buy a photograph yet? Using my links (Amazon) to do your shopping helps me share more photographs and write the stories behind them.

With this blog photo #131 I am closing off the 2017 blogging year. 2017 was the fifth full year of publishing my blog, mostly introducing new photographs, sharing the behind the scenes stories, and going on tangents in all directions. Some of you end up on my pages through search, others follow the blog regularly. Some of you buy photographs from me, some use my Amazon links to do your shopping, and others simply visit to see my photographs from Western New York, from travels throughout the United States, and beyond.

To all of you, I want to say a huge thank you! I hope I will have more interesting photography and blog content to bring you back in 2018. Thank you!

Twelve months, twenty photos. 2017 collage of photos from Buffalo, Western New York, and beyond.Twelve months, twenty photos2017

Enjoy The Beauty That Surrounds You! #etbtsy

Visit my galleries to see more of my photographs: Buffalo CityscapesBuffalo & Western New York LandscapesLandscapes FarawaySeascapes,  Abstracts & PatternsNature - Animals & Plants, and Travel Photography. All of these are accessible from the Gallery menu at the top of the site. Alternatively, you can browse my photographs in themed collections: Buffalo in Blue, Bridges of Buffalo, Subway - Buffalo Metro Rail, Autumn, Winter, World without Color, On the Road, Refractography, and aMazing Bookmarks.

Please, let me know if you have any questions about any photo products offered, or not offered, I will be happy to help! For a quick reference to all photo galleries and collections as well as all photo products currently offered through my site, please, visit the Products page.

Do you like my free content but are not ready to buy a photograph for your walls yet? Using my links to do your shopping helps me share more photographs and write the stories behind them. And it costs you nothing. You just need to start your shopping by clicking on an advertised product or use the Amazon search box in bottom left. It does not matter what you eventually buy as long as you start here. I truly appreciate each purchase, no matter how small. Thank you!


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