Cliff's FootLake Erie Shore, Hamburg, NY
It was a calm, unusually calm evening along the shore of Lake Erie. The water barely moving, no other sounds to be heard. A cloud layer arriving from the west surrounded everything in shades of gray. Daylight was quickly surrendering the rule to the darkness of the night. Threatening cliffs rising high up from the lake. And there, high above the lake a hint of light flickered through the trees, momentarily disappearing, then showing up again. Then a screech, and all quiet again filling the air with suspense. What could it possibly be, such a strange sound?
As it got darker yet a bit of chill arrived on the scene and it was increasingly difficult to keep warm. A slight breeze blew over the lake disturbing the total silence as the lake responded with a slight rocking motion adding a gentle hum. And then that sound again, stronger than before, yet even more mysterious. An animal? Maybe two heavy pieces of metal rubbing against each other? Who would be causing that at this time of the day though? Or a person in distress?
Such was the end to this day with the Hamburg Beach and Lake Erie providing plenty of material for one's imagination to go wild. Just stare towards the distant horizon, shift focus to the cliff as the gentle waves play at its foot, and then let your gaze travel up the cliff towards the lights of the houses there. Not difficult to imagine a series of mysterious events happening.
We have the mood, we have the set up, we have the book cover. Now we need the story to be finished ...
Lakeshore MysteryLake Erie Shoreline Cliffs, Hamburg Beach, NY
Enjoy the Beauty that Surrounds You! (#etbtsy)
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