Green Lake's Charm Is Back

February 06, 2017  •  Leave a Comment

Winter Snow and Ice on Green Lake, Yates Park, Orchard Park, NYSnow and Ice on Green LakeYates Park, Orchard Park, NY Yes, I've been complaining a bit about this winter over the past few weeks. With all the dirty gray all around I wished for more cold weather and a lot more ice and snow to capture what the season is supposed to look like in Western New York.

So when things turned around I was excited. I had to wait though and hope for the best as I was heading out of town for a week. Upon return, there was only one thing to do, especially as a quick review of the forecast revealed yet another significant warm up coming soon. And I chose to travel very little for it, staying in my back yard.

Green Lake in Yates Park has been tough to photograph for quite a while now as it's been going through some well needed maintenance, including a thorough excavation. Here's where the melting snow in January accompanied with a lot of rain was good for something. It filled the lake with at least a little bit of water, even if not even half way up. It was plenty for the cold weather to unleash some creative arts on the surface. Lake frozen solid with snow being pushed along by wind creating some wonderful patterns.

To make the photograph all about winter, I collapsed all of my tripod's legs opening them up wider thus getting the camera very close to the ice, then tilting it downward to allow the ice to take over the bottom two thirds of the frame. Can you feel the freezing wind sweeping the ice hitting your face?

Oh, and who says photos in a blog post must be chronological? They're certainly not here. The photo above was captured just eight minutes after the one below. I always love how quickly light changes around sunrise and sunset. This night, the sun was visible about half an hour before sunset, then disappeared in clouds, and set, with the actual sunset invisible. Then, colors quickly and very briefly lit some of the distant clouds, and disappeared as quickly as hey showed up, as if afraid to be seen. So what did it look like eight minutes earlier?

Winter Colors of frozen Green Lake, Yates Park, Orchard Park, NYWinter Colors of Green LakeYates Park, Orchard Park, NY

Winter Colors of frozen Green Lake, Yates Park, Orchard Park, NY

Enjoy the Beauty that Surrounds You! (#etbtsy)

Would you like to see more photographs from Western New York? Visit my Buffalo & Western New York Landscapes and enjoy! To get a dose of winter whiteness, click through to my Winter Collection of photographs. Please, let me know if you have any questions about any photo products offered, or not offered, I will be happy to help! For a quick reference to all photo galleries and collections as well as all photo products currently offered through my site, please, visit the Products page.

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