And Still in White

March 16, 2017  •  Leave a Comment

I won't lie to you, I struggle getting excited about this winter. Why? I usually enjoy my winter expeditions to the lake to witness and to capture the transformation. The snow volcanoes, the moon land, it's really out of this world! That really did not happen the last two winters though. What did happen was summer in February, temperatures in the sixties, sunny, short sleeve, a weekend road trip. Then boom! The jet stream shifted back south and cold air re-entered Western New York.

However, that same cold front generated some powerful winds at its leading edge that created some powerful waves on Lake Erie and splashed the water all over the place in the deep freezing temperatures. And frozen water on the lakeshore can create real wonders, a true winter wonderland. There are many spots where one can enjoy nature's sculptures, but I had one in my mind ...

Bone Chilling Cold, Sturgeon Point Marina, Derby - Evans, NYBone Chilling ColdSturgeon Point Marina

Bone Chilling Cold, Sturgeon Point Marina

Enjoy the Beauty that Surrounds You! (#etbtsy)

Would you like to see more photographs from Western New York? Visit my Buffalo & Western New York Landscapes and enjoy! To get a dose of winter whiteness, click through to my Winter Collection of photographs. Please, let me know if you have any questions about any photo products offered, or not offered, I will be happy to help! For a quick reference to all photo galleries and collections as well as all photo products currently offered through my site, please, visit the Products page.

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