Morning Fog

March 06, 2017  •  Leave a Comment

The weather forecast called for fog the night before and a friend was visiting who also likes photography. A plan was born to meet at the marina well before sunrise. I did not want to miss the brief moments of colors at daybreak and found myself on the waterfront well before 6 a.m. in a pitch black darkness. Camera bag on my waist and a tripod over my shoulder and off I went exploring planning the morning shoot in my head.

It did not look like there was much fog, definitely not the dense kind that would have been obvious, but it was still too dark to see what might be sitting over the water. First, I headed for the Naval Park as there above the ships the sky was showing the first signs of blue tones. Buffalo River was acting strangely too. However, this is all for another day and another story.

Dreamy Lighthouse, Buffalo Main Light in Fog, Buffalo, NYDreamy LighthouseBuffalo Main Light Once I enjoyed the river and the ships I headed back to the marina to see what might happen over downtown or the lake. I met up with my friend and we spent the rest of the morning together, a rather unusual session for me. I'm usually all on my own for my photo explorations. 

Once there was enough light the views to the west were beautiful, dreamy, and I kept getting lost in my thoughts just staring into the distance, watching the birds wake up, and listening to their morning calls, occasionally checking behind me for fireworks over the city. And they happened, very briefly, probably not even for a full minute. This morning however, I was more in tune with the hazy view of the lake, the distant water break and the always beautiful Buffalo Main Light, which looked different yet.

And then, just for a few seconds, the western glow rewarded me with the best view of the morning, at least in my opinion. I like minimalism and often intentionally seek scenes like that. This morning, the scene developed right in front of me though. Looking straight out over the lake over one of the break waters I already enjoyed a wonderful view of the wall peeking from the fog just gently interrupting the almost seamless transition from water into sky. When a subtle hint of a colorful glow entered the scene  I was happy, the early morning wake up was so worth it, yet again!

Breakwall in Fog, Erie Basin Marina, Buffalo, NYBreakwall in FogErie Basin Marina, Buffalo, NY

Breakwall in Fog, Erie Basin Marina, Buffalo, NY

Enjoy the Beauty that Surrounds You! (#etbtsy)

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