Previously on pinhole photography: A New Chapter, a New Book - Pinhole Photography, Film Pinhole Photography, Seaside Pinhole Photography, Lake Erie Lakeshore on Pinhole, Erie Basin Marina on Pinhole, Worldwide Pinhole Photography Day 2017, The Final Six, Large Format Pinhole
Blogging on a typewriter?Crazy, right?
Typewriter BlogParagraph 1
Typewriter BlogBehind the Scenes
Typewriter BlogParagraphs 2 and 3
Typewriter BlogDarkroom in Red
Typewriter BlogParagraph 4
Typewriter BlogNegative Images
Typewriter BlogParagraph 5
Typewriter Blog4"x5" Pinhole Photo
Typewriter BlogParagraph 6
Enjoy the Beauty that Surrounds You! (#etbtsy)
Would you like to see more pinhole photographs from Buffalo and Western New York? Visit my pinhole gallery on and enjoy! Come back often as that gallery will grow over time. Please, let me know if you have any questions about any photo products offered, or not offered, I will be happy to help! For a quick reference to all photo galleries and collections as well as all photo products currently offered through my site, please, visit the Products page.
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