This has been proven to me over and over. When you think you are done shooting, retreat, head back home, but do not pack up the gear. Keep everything handy like you're just about to start.
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Why? The moment you pack up you will notice just one more perfect frame you did not notice before. As you head back to your starting point, you are facing the opposite direction often yielding other points of view not registered before. You're also in a different frame of mind, more relaxed, happy about the captured shots.
Then you hop in the car or on the bike to make the end of the photo session official. Still, don't pack up. Leave the camera bag handy. A curious cow might just appear on your left and if the camera is ready it is a done deal. But if you have to go back in the trunk and pull your equipment out, laziness might win.
Curious Cow in Western New York
Photographed with a Nikon N75 on Kodak Portra 160 film
Do I always follow my own advice? I am sad to admit it but no, not always. But I certainly do it more and more. Leave things at the ready and keep eyes open. Serendipity often rewards the prepared.
Enjoy The Beauty That Surrounds You! #etbtsy
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