Western New York Winter Woods

February 16, 2022  •  Leave a Comment

Fresh winter's snow can turn any landscape into a land of magic and a forest is no different. And when the snow is sufficiently sticky not only does it coat horizontal surfaces it sticks on everything in any direction. Trees wrapped in white look so wonderful!

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This day, I felt like I woke up to a wonderland. All of the neighborhood trees had winter coats on and the ouside was calling me. It really was a simple decision. All I had to do was to put winter clothes on, add good boots, grab a camera, and head out. The edge of the woods in the first photograph is just minutes of walking and serves like a visual season meter. On this day, the dial was clearly showing winter.

Trees of the Winter Woods, Winter in Western New York, Orchard Park, NY.Trees of the Winter WoodsWinter in Western New York

Trees of the Winter Woods, Winter in Western New York, Orchard Park, NY
Photographed with a Nikon FE2 35mm camera on Agfa APX 400 black and white negative film

And into the woods I went next. I tend to take the same route every time, which is good and bad at the same time. The good part comes from knowing it well and having many favorite little things to notice along the way and watch them change with passing time. Take this stump as an example. I have photographed it in all seasons and for different reasons. Here, the puffy hat it was wearing was the trigger for another photo of it.

Buried Stump, Winter in Western New York, Orchard Park, NYBuried StumpWinter in Western New York

Buried Stump, Winter in Western New York, Orchard Park, NY
Photographed with a Nikon FE2 35mm camera on Agfa APX 400 black and white negative film

I like to shy away from signs of civilization in my photos but the snowed in boardwalk seemed to express what I was enjoying perfectly. A coat of fresh snow on the ground that no one has been through yet, trees wearing white, and I with a camera soaking it all in. Oh, and I love the fresh air that comes with winter. Somehow, the cold air is more intense and feels cleaner and very refreshing.

Boardwalk in Snow, Western New York Winter, Orchard Park, NY.Boardwalk in SnowWestern New York Winter

Boardwalk in Snow, Western New York Winter, Orchard Park, NY
Photographed with a Nikon FE2 35mm camera on Agfa APX 400 black and white negative film

Many people prefer warm weather and that is fine, to each their own. I think it's an acquired taste. One needs to head out often enough to find the magic and there is so much winter can offer photographically and in general. So next time you see everything coated in white, don't hesitate to leave the warmth of your home, put on some good winter clothes and head out.

Enjoy The Beauty That Surrounds You! #etbtsy

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