Cold, Rainy, and Colorful

November 02, 2023  •  Leave a Comment

Previously: Warm and Colorful

It's time for a fall classic! It would not be the season of color without a visit to and post from Letchworth State Park. Unlike last year, weather did not cooperate as much, and it was really gloomy and dark. Wet foliage can actually be fun to photograph, and a polarizing filter can cut through its reflections to deliver really saturated colors. One needs some light for that though!

The Wall, fall leaf peeping at Letchworth State Park, New York.The WallLeaf Peeping

The Wall, Letchworth State Park

It did not help, I will admit, that while I moved my quick release plate to the camera of choice for the day, I forgot my tripod by the door at home. That eliminated long exposures from my repertoire, and I had to bump up the ISO instead. It was so dark that the polarizing filter had to go back to the bag because I could not afford to lose the 2+ stops of light. However, the rain held at more of a drizzle and made for an enjoyable day outside.

Wall Curve, leaf peeping at Letchworth State Park, New York.Wall CurveLeaf Peeping

Wall Curve, Letchworth State Park

I assume most of the people go to Letchworth State Park in the fall to enjoy the colorful show that Mother Nature puts on there for a few weeks. And I certainly enjoy that too! I also enjoy the interaction of manmade versus nature. In a way, my photography has shifted over the years in this direction. I used to carefully work to eliminate any signs of humanity from my photographs. Then, around the time we started doing longer family road trips, I started working the human aspects back into my photography. And you can clearly see that in today's post.

Winding through Seasonal Wonder, Letchworth State Park, New York.Winding through Seasonal WonderFall Colors in Letchworth State Park

Winding through Seasonal Wonder, Letchworth State Park

It would not have been too difficult to exclude the walls, the roads, and all the other manmade structures from my photography on this day but it would have resulted in different photographs. Some would change slightly, some more drastically and some just would not be captured as the human element became the main focal point.

Bridge over Wolf Creek, Letchworth State Park, New YorkBridge over Wolf CreekFall in Letchworth State Park

Bridge over Wolf Creek, Letchworth State Park

The three main attractions in Letchworth State Park are the three main waterfalls: Lower, Middle, and Upper. But don't be fooled, the park has so much more to offer. As we have been returning for more for over a quarter century we are still finding more and more. And it's the more subtle, off-the-beaten-path locations I am growing to appreciate more and more.

Elements of Interest, a wooden shelter with a stone chimney complementing the appealing fall scene in Letchworth State Park, New York.Elements of InterestFall in Letchworth State Park

Elements of Interest, Letchworth State Park

I also grew to enjoy the things probably often overlooked. Yes, that takes me back full circle to the manmade structures. A wooden shelter could probably be viewed as obstructing some pristine natural views. But look at the tasteful wooden construction! And look at that beautiful stone chimney! And what can we see through the shelter's window?

Fall Window, observing the beautiful natural scene through a wooden shelter's window in Letchworth State Park.Fall WindowFall in Letchworth State Park

Fall Window, Letchworth State Park

The park has breathtaking views all around and many of them are thanks to the Genesee River, which carved out a beautiful canyon through the cliffs. A lot of the views in Letchworth are from the cliff tops but there are a few trails that take you down to the river or to some of the tributaries. Either way, you will be rewarded for the steps you take!

Genesee River below tall cliffs in Letchworth State Park, decorated in colors for the fall season.River below CliffsFall in Letchworth State Park

River below Cliffs, Letchworth State Park

Stay behind the Wall, Letchworth State Park, New York.Stay behind the WallFall in Letchworth State Park

Stay behind the Wall, Letchworth State Park

Heck of a View! The Middle Falls and the Upper Falls in the background, including the new railroad bridge over the Letchworth State Park gorge.Heck of a View!Fall in Letchworth State Park

Heck of a View!, Letchworth State Park

Relax! A beautiful wooden shelter in the fall glory of Letchworth State Park, New York.Relax!Fall in Letchworth State Park

Relax!, Letchworth State Park

The Portage Bridge over the Upper Falls in Letchworth State Park, New York, in ColorsThe Portage Bridge in ColorsFall in Letchworth State Park

The Portage Bridge in Colors, Letchworth State Park

Do you have your 'Old Faithful' location you keep returning to? Letchworth State Park is definitely one of mine.

Enjoy the beauty that surrounds you! (#etbtsy)

    Gardeau Overlook in the Fall, Letchworth State Park, New YorkGardeau Overlook in the Fall, Letchworth State ParkFall Colors Wolf Creek Trail in the Fall, Letchworth State Park, New YorkWolf Creek Trail in the Fall, Letchworth State ParkFall Colors Back at Hog's Back in the Fall, Letchworth State Park, New YorkBack at Hog's Back in the Fall, Letchworth State ParkFall Colors


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