Even Little Distance can Provide Different Autumn Look

October 25, 2012  •  Leave a Comment

Road and Yellow Colored Alley in the Fall - Autumn at Emery Park, South Wales, New York (NY). Near East Aurora and Buffalo.Yellow Alley at Emery Park I've commented on revisiting the same locations on my pages several times (Revisit Your Locations, Revisiting Locations Revisited) and here I am again.

There is just something special about coming back. Not only is each time physically different based on season, time of day, weather, but I also look for different things. I may be interested in wide views at one time while searching for macro elements the next. I may be focusing on lines and patterns once but on color the next time.

However, even the physical differences can be rather significant in just a week or two. Especially the beautiful fall season seems to pass way too quickly. As such, you could almost visit locations each day and see differences not so subtle.

The first photo here is from October 16, 2012. Compare that to the second one taken on September 29, approximately two weeks earlier.

Road and green Colored Alley in the Fall - Autumn at Emery Park, South Wales, New York (NY). Near East Aurora and Buffalo.Emery Park Alley in Summer It's also really interesting how moving even 100 feet can result in a completely different seasonal colors. In the Emery Park (South Wales, NY), the trees around the north-eastern road trail the rest of the park by at least a week maybe two. And it is probably a reoccurring theme since even Google Maps in the satellite view show that. You can clearly see the green area surrounded by colorful foliage.


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