Winter Coming to Buffalo after All - Chestnut Ridge Park

December 25, 2012  •  Leave a Comment

Serendipity happens. Looking for natural details at the beginning of winter, found a snow face on a rock - Snowrock Man.The Snowrock Man

It is unusual for Buffalo and its parks not to have much snow throughout December. Yet, for almost the whole month there was no snow on the ground at all. Just before Christmas, we got a few inches to make things look pretty, and the ski resorts down south got even more to make skiers happy.
So today on Christmas Day I headed out to the Chestnut Ridge Park, a local county park. I knew there was not much snow and wide views would be difficult so I decided to go searching for subtle details that would snow the hesitant winter's arrival.
Originally, I had one area in mind but as I was nearing the first, lower entrance to the park, I made the turn and parked at the Newton Road entrance. It is one of my favorite locations at the park where I like to photograph a group of dancing trees in different seasons, light, and other varying conditions. So even today the trees drew my attention.
As I started walking towards the trees, I found another reason to alter my plans. The two lines of rocks lining what must have been an alleyway at some point (I need to look into this, it's just my theory at this point) called me towards them. One, two, ... I paused, took a photo of the alley, and walked further down between the two tree lines. All of the rocks were wearing beautiful snow caps. Then I turned around I saw this rock staring at me - quite literally! :-)
Snowman is made of snow, Rockman would be made of rocks, thus Snowrock Man seems to fit the creature that was smiling at me. Or was it? Or is that a tear there? It must have been a cry of happiness since everybody at the park seemed happy today!
On one hand, I planned to capture some details of winter, which lucked helped me with, on the other, I wanted to go to one place, then another, and finally it was the third I never planned on that happened to work exactly right for me today!
So ...

Merry Christmas or Happy Holidays, have fun, ... Dan.


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