Buffalo, January, Summer Temps, ... What's Next?

January 13, 2013  •  Leave a Comment

Curves of bare trees in winter, contrasty black and white, Buffalo, New York (NY).Curves of bare trees Couple posts back, I wondered about the future of winters in Buffalo. Now a few days later, the advertised transformation has happened. The beautiful clean white winter wonderland has flown down creek beds by the gallon.

While the rain did the winter look in I can think of a positive spin on it. It helped wash the dirt away too and things don't look too bad around here now. The lawns look like in summer, possibly better thanks to the thorough watering.

In the good old winters we have always wondered whether and when Lake Erie would completely freeze. The theory was that if the lake does not fully freeze the cold fronts moving over it will bring intolerable amounts of lake effect snow to Buffalo and Western New York.

Last year, not only did the lake never fully freeze, it actually never even started and stayed wide open. And snow? Nope, nowhere to be found.

This year, we are going to have a second chance at running the theory through a check. Just when the water's temperature was at about 1 degree above freezing, summer visited the area for a few days and raised the temperature to 37°F. It was hard to believe one's eyes when the outside temperature was at 65°F at 10 am.

No snow on the ground in January, just green grass. Buffalo, New York (NY).No snow on grass in January

Yep, this is a Western New York lawn in January (can you guess what's missing?)

Is frozen Lake Erie and ice fishing history? Buffalo, New York (NY).Ice Fishing on Lake Erie

Are frozen Lake Erie and ice fishing matters of history?

Let's soak in the warmth and you winter, bring it on! Let's have some fun!


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