Autumn vs. Summer, Great Bend at Letchworth

June 10, 2013  •  Leave a Comment

Autumn Sunrise at LetchworthFoggy Daybreak over Genesee River - Autumn

I like to return to places over and over. It's easier with some that are right in my back yard and increasingly more difficult with increasing distance. It's always very rewarding though to see what Mother Nature prepared for me. The transformations are amazing!

The first photograph here is an autumn photograph from the Great Bend on the Genesee River in Letchworth State Park in Western New York. It's also an early morning photograph shortly after sunrise, with the cool and humid conditions providing the layer of fog floating over the river.

In the second photograph two main variables have changed. It's a late Spring photograph with an already summer-like look from the same place. It's also a late afternoon in this one with sunset not too far away. The warm autumn colors have been replaced with greens as far as one can see and the hazy back light with a more contrasty side light.

Summer Evening at LetchworthEvening at Genesee River - Summer

It's always great to go back to Letchworth, it never stops fascinating me!

Have fun exploring your back yard and finding new twists!

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