The Underground Gallery

January 13, 2014  •  Leave a Comment

Lower Akron Falls at Buffalo Metro Rail Subway, University Station.Lower Akron Falls at UniversityBuffalo Metro Rail, University Station The Saturday weather really sucked! I am not sure if that is wording appropriate for a photo blog but that is how I felt, so there you have it. Who needs 50°F and rain in winter, especially when you're in Western New York? It was the second time this season we lost a beautiful dose of clean white snow. I could not watch it and headed for cover.

In 2013, my photos went on display in two highly frequented locations. First, the Mall at Greece Ridge in Rochester, NY included two of my photos as large-size murals in one of the mall's wings.

Later, NFTA (Niagara Frontier Transportation Authority) included two in the subway of Buffalo. I spent several hours on Saturday hopping station to station trying to find them. I was only successful with one, of the Lower Akron Falls, but found it in three copies at the University, LaSalle, and Summer-Best stations. The first one here is from the University Station with an arriving train.

Lower Akron Falls at Buffalo Metro Rail, LaSalle Station.Lower Akron Falls at LaSalleBuffalo Metro Rail, LaSalle Station The photographic panels are placed on the walls along the platforms of the underground stations in both directions, and also in the above ground concourses. I did not count but am guessing there are about 10 photographs per station. With 8 underground stations that comes to about 80 photographs. They are placed under the lights illuminating the station names, which makes them stand out nicely. However, since the lights are fluorescent tubes the photos take on a bit of green color cast and lose some of their original warmth. For the photos on this page I have used the fluorescent white balance thus restoring the colors back to what looked right (to me).

I must add that the work of other local photographers definitely brought the subway tunnels to life, most specifically the photos by Terry Cervi and Kristen Roess, with a small contribution from me and Tom Wolf. They have provided some great inspirational photos and even though this may feel like a strange gallery, go for a ride and stroll around the stations - photos are both along the platforms and in the above ground interiors (of the underground section).
Lower Akron Falls at Buffalo Metro Rail, Summer-Best Station.
Have fun finding your rainy day places!

Equipment Used:

Nikon D600Nikon 24-85mm Nikkor LensManfrotto tripod (055MF3; replaced by 055CXPRO3 with the convenient Q90 column) and head (496RC2), Nikon SB-600 flash (replaced by SB-700), Stofen Omni-Bounce Flash DiffuserThink Tank Speed Demon Waist Pack,  Petzl Zipka Plus 2 Headlamp (always in the bag just in case), SanDisk Extreme 32GB SD CardsNikon Capture NX2

Using my links to buy your equipment keeps me going and costs you nothing. You can also use the Amazon search box in bottom left for anything not mentioned here. Thank you very much, I really appreciate it!



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