Back at Great Bend for More, Letchworth State Park

September 22, 2014  •  Leave a Comment

Over and over, no matter how many times I visit and photograph, this place continues to amaze me. Yes, Letchworth is wonderful to photograph, but there is so much more to it. The cool morning breeze, she sharp light in your eyes, the chirping of the birds, the deer nearby, no people around, it is easy to get lost in the moment. A few times, I ran into other photographers by the gorge and they were rushing along, click here, click there, fast over to the next viewpoint. I guess nothing wrong with that but I can't operate like that. I will hold my position and just stare until I soak it all in to hold me over until the next time!

Unlike the usual small photos accompanying my blog posts, let me go big today. Just stare and imagine the rest.

Fog over Genesee River Great Bend at Sunrise, Letchworth State Park, New York State (NYS).Fog over Genesee River Great Bend at SunriseLetchworth State Park

Fog over Genesee River Great Bend at Sunrise, Letchworth State Park

Have fun finding your magical moments!


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