Could not Resist - Back for More at Letchworth

September 25, 2014  •  Leave a Comment

Fogy Magic over Letchworth Gorge, Colors of the Daybreak.Fogy Magic over Letchworth GorgeColors of the Daybreak Yes, your eyes are not failing you, it's the second post and a second photograph in a row from the same place. As I posted the previous sunrise photo from the Great Bend on the Genesee River at Letchworth State Park, I wanted to go back for more. I wanted to be there again as night gives way to day, as the cool morning breeze crosses the gorge, as squirrels, deer, and birds enjoy the quiet morning before people start rolling in. I also hoped for some more foggy magic, and planned to witness it at a different point along the gorge. And I wanted to photograph it all and try to capture the beauties of the landscape in motion-free, sound-free, breeze-free, and smell-free images.

Weather forecast looked good, I just hoped that some clouds would interfere with the clear prediction. The numbers also indicated a good chance of fog.

About three quarters of the way in towards the park, I ran through some beautiful fog filled valleys and my expectations went up. I love fog, and when it contrasts with colors, it can be spectacular. When I arrived in the park through the Castile entrance and peeked into the gorge by the Archery Field. my hopes were met plentifully with more fog filling the valley than I had ever seen before.

I wanted to see what the Tea Table area looked like though and make some different photographs at a different angle to the rising sun, made a left turn, and kept going. Once there, I could not see anything. The whole gorge was filled with fog all the way to the rim and above, a complete whiteout. I decided I would not stay and wait what would happen, and went back to the Great Bend with the intention to return to Tea Table a little while later.

Even though I was back at the spot I had shared with you several times it was great to see it again. It's never really the same. Among other things, the sun is always somewhere else. In June, the sun would be straight in your eyes in this view whereas this morning, it was off to the right over the Great Bend cliff. That came in handy since it postponed the actual sunrise by a few minutes and allowed me to enjoy the colors a bit longer. I thoroughly enjoyed watching the rays of sun spot lighting the fog in various spots that were quickly changing! Even a few seconds apart, the light and the fog looked so different!

When the sun finally grew too strong over the Bend, I headed back to Tea Table. More on that at some future point though. Overall, another wonderful morning in the beautiful outdoors!

Have fun out there!

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