Use Your Imagination, Abstract Refractography

September 29, 2014  •  Leave a Comment

The Wizard's Cup, Abstract Refractography, All about LightThe Wizard's CupAbstract Refractography

Summer has finally arrived to Western New York and this past weekend was absolutely gorgeous. Warm, sunny, a recipe to be outside. And so I was and will hopefully have some new landscape photographs to share with you all soon, as soon as I can convince myself to spend some time on the computer. With the beautiful weather still ruling, who knows though.

I am reaching back to my archives for today's post to mix things up a little bit. The photograph you see here is a refractograph. While all photography is about light, it's especially true with refractography since that is actually a photo of the light itself, not its reflection from other surfaces. A pitch black room, a pinhole source of light, a refractive glass surface, and a camera. Not even a lens is involved, the light falls right on the imaging sensor. By positioning the glass and the source of light the image in front of your camera changes significantly. Even the slightest move or rotation can result in a whole different photo.

Since my first attempts I have been consumed. There are really no limits to creativity by trying different types of glass, light sources, color gels in between, and more. The shapes may appear random without any resemblance to physical objects we know from the real world. Or they may remind you of something. I enjoy looking for those similarities.

This one for me is a Wizard's Glass with a stem and a foot, with fancy and spooky spikes at the top. What does this photo remind you of?

Have fun letting your imagination loose.

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