When the Water Is Too Low, Buttermilk Falls

September 08, 2014  •  Leave a Comment

Rocks of Buttermilk Falls, all about the rocks, North Evans, New York (NY).Rocks of Buttermilk FallsAll about the rocks

The water was so low in August that if I did not tell you, you might not be able to tell that this photograph is in fact of a waterfall. As water definitely could not be the main subject of the photograph I was looking for other features to show. I tried a few combinations of water and moss to play on the green of the moss and the rocks at the base and the white water. However, the trickle did not provide enough white to really set the color contrast off. Full length photos did not really work well either as whatever water was present was getting lost.

Then this cave-like cutout in the face of the cliff at the base of the falls caught my attention, with the rocks lined up nicely in front of it. And there was just enough water to be able to claim this is a waterfall indeed.

The rocks in the pool were all covered in green though, which was very eye-catching, yet, distracting from the rocks themselves. I hesitated a bit but decided the black and white was the way to go here to really put the focus on the cliff face and all of the textures in it. And yes, I already have a slight variation in mind for my next visit!

Have fun exploring beyond the obvious!

Equipment UsedNikon D600 (replaced by Nikon D610)Nikon 24-85mm Nikkor LensManfrotto tripod (055MF3; replaced by 055CXPRO3 with the convenient Q90 column) and Manfrotto Ball Head (496RC2), Think Tank Speed Demon Waist PackSanDisk Extreme 32GB SD CardsNikon Capture NX2.

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