Road Trip: Santa Fe Train Depot

October 27, 2015  •  Leave a Comment

New Mexico became the 47th state to join the United States on January 6, 1912. The capital city is Santa Fe. The highest point is Wheeler Peak at 13,161 feet.

Road Trip 2013 - Day 15 - June 25 - Santa Fe Train Depot (Previous 2013 Road Trip posts: Indiana DunesDe ImmigrantAmana ColoniesDes MoinesMadison County Roads, Bridges of Madison CountyWhite Pole Road, Great Platte River Road Archway MonumentGolden Spike Tower & Union Pacific's Bailey Rail Yard, Loveland PassThe Resting Day at Powderhorn, Black Canyon of the GunnisonCimarronColorado National MonumentFruita Rodeo, Grand MesaArches National ParkGrand Junction, Grand Mesa CreekArches National Park Add-On, Canyonlands National ParkThe Little Big Moments of Road Tripping, Mesa Verde National Park, Santa FeSanta Fe Train Depot)

Santa Fe Southern Railway & New Mexico Rail Runner ExpressSanta Fe Southern Railway & Rail Runner ExpressSanta Fe, NM As we got ready to leave Santa Fe there was one more stop for me - the historic Santa Fe Train Depot. The depot itself is a beautiful building that fits right in with the architecture of Santa Fe. And then there are the trains, which I am a fan of. And the trains in the American Southwest tend to live up to the colorful theme of the region with their bright and happy colors.

The side-by-side comparison of the historic Santa Fe Southern Railway (SFSR) and the modern New Mexico Railrunner Express was just about perfect. Especially the yellow of the SFSR train stood out amazingly against the deep blue sky overhead.

Santa Fe Train Depot, New Mexico (NM)Santa Fe Train DepotSanta Fe, NM At one point, a second Railrunner Express pulled in for a trio of trains but in the end I preferred this two-train photograph. How many pictures of the same train can one take you ask? I've spend quite a while around the depot looking for different angles, wide views, and details.

While doing that I walked to the other side of the platform and found another treasure to point my camera at. First, that angle worked really nicely to show off the painting on the side of the Railrunner and second, there was an old graffiti filled train car. And yet again I liked the side-by-side.

I don't think I could have asked for a more appropriate cherry on top of our visit to Santa Fe - a bit of architecture, trains, bright warm colors, blue sky, simply a wonderful kick off of another day on the road! And what a day that turned out to be. First, a stop at Pecos, NM, and then Route 66, always a highlight of any road trip that takes us anywhere close!

New Mexico Rail Runner Express, Santa Fe, NMNew Mexico Rail Runner ExpressSanta Fe, NM New Mexico Rail Runner Express, Santa Fe, NM

Enjoy the beauty that surrounds you (#etbtsy)!

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References:  Santa Fe Railyard History - The Railyard - Santa Fe Depot - Santa Fe Southern Railway - New Mexico Rail Runner Express New Mexico on - Santa Fe History


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