Frozen Mist on Fire over Horseshoe Falls

February 23, 2015  •  Leave a Comment

Niagara Falls Mist on Fire, Horseshoe Falls in WinterMist on FireHorseshoe Falls in Winter First, let's get the record straight. Despite all of the media frenzy, Niagara Falls are not frozen. Not the American Falls, not the Bridal Veil Falls, and not the Horseshoe Falls (Canadian Falls). All three waterfalls are flowing, roaring, and falling strong! However, there certainly is a lot of ice. Especially in front of the American Falls there is quite a mound of ice significantly obstructing the view of the falls, especially from the Canadian side. And there is quite a bit of ice above the falls too in the upper rapids.

So why do the waterfalls not freeze despite the recent temperatures dropping as low as -10°F (-23°C)? The sheer volume and force of the water does not allow for that. 75,750 gallons (286,744 liters) of water per second flow over the American and Bridal Veil Falls and 681,750 gallons (2,580,704 liters) per second over the Horseshoe Falls.

This photograph shows the frozen world at the edge of the Horseshoe Falls. I always enjoy the view of the frozen trees at the very edge of the magnificent waterfall. Talk about being hardy. Here, I arrived just in time to catch the last light of the setting sun trying to pierce through the dense mist rising from the waterfall and wrapping everything in ice, including trees, railing, people, and cameras!

Have fun and keep warm!

References: Amazing Niagara Falls Facts, World's Largest Waterfalls by Volume, What's the Largest Waterfall in the World?, 10 Widest Waterfalls

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