John Deere

September 19, 2016  •  Leave a Comment

Let's mix it up today with a whole different photograph. As you could spot from my blog over the years I like capturing rural areas in my photographs, whether it is a narrow road passing through an open landscape, a barn in the fields, or a farm house in a group of trees. Farm equipment has its charm too especially when it is clear it has been through a lot.

This photograph was not planned. On the way back from another location timing was right for a sunset and we turned up a hill for a nice view of it. We enjoyed the end of day show but before getting back in the car I noticed this John Deere tractor in the meadow next door. With the overhead clouds it looked commanding. I decided to combine the remaining daylight with a flash to render the clouds naturally dark and dramatic while helping the tractor stand out.

John Deere, A Tractor at SunsetJohn DeereA Tractor at Sunset

John Deere, A Tractor at Sunset

Enjoy the beauty that surrounds you (#etbtsy)!

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