Matted Prints at Picture Your Walls

September 15, 2016  •  Leave a Comment

Picture Your Walls WNY Gallery, Daniel Novak Photo Photographs Matted, Framed, Ready to HangPicture Your Walls WNY184 Buffalo St, Hamburg, NY 14075 Is the small computer screen not enough for you to enjoy local Buffalo, NY photography? It should not be! Despite the 21st century technology and most people using small mobile devices to quickly check photographs out, they only come truly alive when printed large and displayed prominently. If you enjoy my photography but would prefer to see the finished product printed and matted, you can!

The following twelve 8" x 12" signed prints matted to fix to a 12" x 16" frame are available for your viewing pleasure and purchase at Picture Your Walls Western New York in Hamburg, NY (184 Buffalo St, Hamburg, NY 14075 - Tuesday 11:00–6:00pm - Wednesday 11:00–6:00pm - Thursday 11:00–8:00pm - Friday: 11:00–6:00pm - Saturday 10:00–4:00pm). 

Ask them about my photos. They'll be happy to show you around and point you towards this dozen as well as other larger framed photographs.

Colden Falls Head On, PYWWNY Gallery Matted Selection, Hamburg, NYColden Falls Head OnPYWWNY Matted Selection Colden Falls Head On

(8" x 12" photo - 12" x 16" mat)

This is a beautiful small waterfall that in my experience not too many people know about, short of those living in Colden. A lot of people pass by it on Rte 240 without ever knowing it is there, since it is not visible from it. You can get a nice and easy view of the waterfall from the Heath Road bridge over the West Branch Cazenovia Creek though.

This head on photograph, taken down in the creek gorge as day was turning into night, shows a more intimate experience compared to the high view from the bridge with the water rushing down the rocks and straight at you. Can you hear the water humming?

This view and a photograph are now an annual tradition. For the past 14 Memorial Day weekends Letchworth State Park has been hosting the annual Red, White & Blue Balloon Festival. With the launches scheduled at 6 AM and 6 PM, part of the tradition for me became watching the sun rise over the Big Bend on the Genesee River. Same location, just a little bit up the hill from Archery Field, almost the same time, but always different, yet always beautiful!

This early morning was cloudy to the east. And even though the sky eventually cleared and there was not a cloud the rest of the day it happened a bit later. That provided a unique and moody tone for my 3rd annual ballooning sunrise. With the sun hiding behind the clouds the light was diffused and even opening up the otherwise shadowy gorge and river. Add a little bit of a breeze and birds chirping and you have a perfect spot!

Daybreak at Great Bend of Letchworth, PYWWNY Gallery Matted Selection, Hamburg, NYDaybreak at Great Bend of LetchworthPYWWNY Matted Selection

Daybreak at Great Bend of Letchworth

(8" x 12" photo - 12" x 16" mat)

Iceberg at Wilkeson Pointe, PYWWNY Gallery Matted Selection, Hamburg, NYIceberg at Wilkeson PointePYWWNY Matted Selection Iceberg at Wilkeson Pointe

(8" x 12" photo - 12" x 16" mat)

So long winter! A moody photograph captured shortly after sunset at the Wilkeson Pointe on Buffalo's outer harbor. The ice between the breakwater and the shore has mostly melted but a thin layer still remained at the very shoreline. And here, a piece was floating in the open as if symbolizing the last moments of winter, a winter that was long and strong. Welcome, spring!

The nature turned the music on, it put on a concert, a visual concert of colors I was lucky enough to witness and capture in this photograph from Birdsong Park in Orchard Park, NY. It was a rainy morning with different sections of the park taking on wildly different looks. Here, the path zigzagged between trees showing off their autumn foliage proudly. The rain brought the colors out exquisitely and the dark trunks leaning over the path further highlighted the show!

The Music of Fall at Birdsong, PYWWNY Gallery Matted Selection, Hamburg, NYThe Music of Fall at BirdsongPYWWNY Matted Selection The Music of Fall at Birdsong

(8" x 12" photo - 12" x 16" mat)

The Birdsong Swamp, PYWWNY Gallery Matted Selection, Hamburg, NYThe Birdsong SwampPYWWNY Matted Selection

The Birdsong Swamp

(8" x 12" photo - 12" x 16" mat)

A very early morning one fall day in Birdsong Park. A creek through a marsh. Lots of clouds overhead and some rain. And a photograph of it all. I really liked the stark dark trunks of the crooked trees crisscrossing over the creek, and the intense mood of the whole scene. While fall usually means bold colors, this photo has subtle greens and yellows heightening the feeling of being in a remote swamp.

Papermill Falls is a beautiful waterfall located on the Silver Lake Outlet in Letchworth State Park in New York State. It has an upper and lower section and both have their beauty. This photograph shows the graceful look of the upper portion from an elevated vantage point up above the stream. I really enjoyed watching what nature did here as the increased slope of the creek bed creates several rushing streams of water that create a beautiful waterfall as they reach the drop off point. What a marvel of nature that most of the visitors to Letchworth never get to see staying in the main areas around Lower, Middle, and Upper Falls.

Upper Papermill Falls, PYWWNY Gallery Matted Selection, Hamburg, NYUpper Papermill FallsPYWWNY Matted Selection

Upper Papermill Falls

(8" x 12" photo - 12" x 16" mat)

Spring at the Buffalo History Museum, PYWWNY Gallery Matted Selection, Hamburg, NYSpring at the Buffalo History MuseumPYWWNY Matted Selection

Spring at the Buffalo History Museum

(8" x 12" photo - 12" x 16" mat)

You're looking at a morning photograph of the Buffalo History Museum reflected in the Mirror Lake at the Japanese Garden in Delaware Park in Buffalo, NY. Spring and morning light provided the colors for this photograph. The willow tree on the right was already in a yellow dress and the cherry trees on the left were fluffy with pink and white tones. There was barely and wind and the pond's surface was a perfect mirror.

The view was beautiful, once I found it. The blossoms dominating the scene with the Buffalo History Museum providing context in the background. The morning sun was finding its way through the clouds and through the trees, spotlighting the grass below and lighting up the white stone of the building. I can still smell the air!

Through the Blossoms, PYWWNY Gallery Matted Selection, Hamburg, NYThrough the BlossomsPYWWNY Matted Selection

Through the Blossoms

(8" x 12" photo - 12" x 16" mat)

Delavan - Caniscius Escalators, PYWWNY Gallery Matted Selection, Hamburg, NYDelavan - Caniscius EscalatorsPYWWNY Matted Selection

Delavan - Caniscius Escalators

(8" x 12" photo - 12" x 16" mat)

Often, subway tunnels are viewed as dark, dirty and unwelcoming. There is quite a bit of effort going into brightening the experience, whether it is the use of special reflective wall siding or other decorative elements, light systems, or the inclusion of artwork. This photo represents a subway classic, with escalators taking people in and out of a deep underground subway station. The strong symmetry and blue tones make for a rather eye catching presentation elevating the experience well beyond a walk in a hole in the ground.

Sailing by the Buffalo Main Light at sunset, a summer tradition in Buffalo and its Erie Basin Marina perfectly situated for sunset enjoyment of many kinds - walking or jogging along the lake shore, boating, photography, or just kicking back with a drink and enjoying the magic.

This night was special though, despite many not having a clue. And while it is not obvious from this photograph the sun was partially eclipsed on October 23, 2014 and a sliver of it was blocked by the moon when observed through a very dark glass. Without it, the brightness was such that it overpowered the small blocked area.

It all came together very nicely at this moment with the eclipsed sun setting over the lighthouse and the sailboat moving to the sun's reflection on the water. That is when the shutter clicked and the moment was preserved. Now, set your reminder for August 21, 2017 when the next solar eclipse will be visible towards the west from Buffalo and it will be a full one!

Sailing under Eclipse, PYWWNY Gallery Matted Selection, Hamburg, NYSailing under EclipsePYWWNY Matted Selection

Sailing under Eclipse

(8" x 12" photo - 12" x 16" mat)

Kiss of Light on Buffalo Main Light,PYWWNY Gallery Matted Selection. Hamburg, NYKiss of Light on Buffalo Main LightPYWWNY Matted Selection

Kiss of Light on Buffalo Main Light

(8" x 12" photo - 12" x 16" mat)

Winter sunrise at Buffalo Main Light photographed as the first rays of sun kissed the top of the lighthouse. A beautiful freezing morning, temperature hovering just over 0°F

This photograph shows the Gallagher Pier on Buffalo's outer harbor from the other than the usual side. The pier, as well as Buffalo waterfront in general, are popular destination for sunsets across Lake Erie. This photograph looks the other way though, in the morning at sunrise.

Sunrise over Gallagher Pier Roofs, PYWWNY Gallery Matted Selection, Hamburg, NYSunrise over Gallagher Pier RoofsPYWWNY Matted Selection

Sunrise over Gallagher Pier Roofs

(8" x 12" photo - 12" x 16" mat)


I hope you've had fun scrolling through these. Stop by the Hamburg, NY gallery if you live in the area and enjoy them in their physical form.

Thanks for visiting today, and in the future! Enjoy the beauty that surrounds you (#etbtsy)!

Using my links to do your shopping keeps me sharing more photographs and writing the stories behind them and costs you nothing. You can also use the Amazon search box in bottom left for anything not mentioned here. I truly appreciate each purchase, no matter how large, no matter how small. Thank you!


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