
April 03, 2017  •  Leave a Comment

USS Litte Rock at Daybreak, Buffalo Naval & Military ParkUSS Litte Rock at DaybreakBuffalo Naval & Military Park When I arrived, the fog I came for was nowhere to be found and it was still very dark. Later, it actually turned out that it was the darkness through which I could not see the fog even though it was there, in some spots. Instead of walking along the marina towards the observation tower I turned the other way as the illuminated ships at the Buffalo Naval & Military Park provided a visual target to go after.

As I walked along the river the southeast sky started showing some light and beautiful blue tones right over USS Little Rock and Croaker. Add the illumination, Skyway with its street lights, General Mills in the distance, and the almost mirror-like surface of Buffalo River and it was quite a view!

I walked all the way to the ships, returned back to the edge of Lake Erie and noticed a strange phenomenon. Some leftover chunks of ice were floating along the shore and birds used them as an island to rest on. That is not the strange part though. What I did find strange was the direction in which the ice was floating. From the lake back into Buffalo River and further inland.

I followed the icebergs and when they were passing under the street lights on the shore noticed the interesting contrast in the cool sky colors and the warm color tone the ice got reflecting the streetlights. The below long exposure further accentuated the effect. Here and there I reached for the Coking Blue / Yellow filter in the past but there was no need for it this morning, it all unfolded right in front on me.

Golden & Blue on Buffalo River, Buffalo Naval and Military Park at DaybreakGolden & Blue on Buffalo RiverBuffalo Naval and Military Park at Daybreak

Golden & Blue on Buffalo River, Buffalo Naval and Military Park at Daybreak

Enjoy the Beauty that Surrounds You! (#etbtsy)

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